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  4. 4. INTRODUCTION The manufacturing of oral solid dosage forms such as tablets is a complex multi-stage process under which the starting materials change their physical characteristics a number of times before the final dosage form is produced. Traditionally, tablets have been made by granulation, a process that imparts two primary characteristics compressibility and fluidity. After the preparation of granules (in case of wet granulation) or slugging (in case of dry granulation) or mixing of ingredients (in case of direct compression), they are compressed to get final product. The compression is done either by single punch machine (stamping press) or by multi station machine (rotary press). The tablet press is a high-speed mechanical device. It 'squeezes' the ingredients into the required tablet shape with extreme precision. It can make the tablet in many shapes, although they are usually round or oval. Each tablet is made by pressing the granules inside a die, made up of hardened steel. The die is a disc shape with a hole cut through its centre. The powder is compressed in the centre of the die by two hardened steel punches that fit into the top and bottom of the die. The punches and dies are fixed to a turret that spins round. As it spins, the punches are driven together by two fixed cams an upper cam and lower cam. The top of the upper punch (the punch head) sits on the upper cam edge .The bottom of the lower punch sits on the lower cam edge.

  5. 5. TYPES OF COMPRESSION MACHINES There are following 2 types, i. SINGLE PUNCH/SINGLE STATION/ECCENTRIC PRESSES ii. MULTI-STATION/ROTARY PRESSES  SINGLE PUNCH/SINGLE STATION/ECCENTRIC PRESSES  Single punch tablet press also known as eccentric press or single station press is the simplest machine for tablet manufacturing.  This machine uses single set of station tooling (a die and a pair of upper and lower punches).  The compaction force on the fill material is exerted by only the upper punch while the lower punch is static such action equivalent to hammering motion and as a result, the single punch press is referred to as stamping process.  The single punch tablet press usually produces about 60-85 tablets/min .

  6. 6. WORKING MECHANISM OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE The working cycle is as follows i. FILLING ii. WEIGHT ASDJUSTMENT iii. COMPRESSION iv. EJECTION FILLING:  Upper punch is withdrawn from the die by the upper cam, bottom punch is low in the die so powder falls in through the hole and fill the die. WEIGHT ASDJUSTMENT  Bottom punch move up to adjust the powder weight, it raises and expel the extra powder. COMPRESSION:  Upper punch is driven into the die by upper cam.  Bottom punch is raised by lower cam. Both punch heads pass between the heavy rollers to compress the tablet. EJECTION:  Upper punch is withdrawn by the upper cam. Lower punch is pushed up and expel the tablets.  Tablet is removed from the die surface by the surface plate.

  7. 7. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE The different series of the single punch tableting machine includes, i. Automatic Single Punch Tableting Machine ii. C&C600B Series Single Punch Tablet Press iii. TDP - Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press iv. TDP-1 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press v. TDP-5 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press vi. TDP-30 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press

  8. 8. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE Automatic Single Punch Tableting Machine  This machine is designed for pressing tablets from a variety of materials for Research & Development and for small-scale production of Neutraceuticals,herbals, and other products.  It is designed for pressing round tablets from various granular materials. This is a bench-top unit, semi-portable, that is motor-driven but can also be hand-driven for adjustment and testing purposes.  One punch & die set is included. Fill depth, tablet thickness, and punch pressure are all adjustable. This is by far our most popular unit  This machine compresses powdered granular materials into tablet form. It is adjustable, operator friendly, easy to maintain, compact and light weight.

  9. 9. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE C&C600B Series Single Punch Tablet Press  C&C600B Series Single Punch Tablet Press is an advanced machine with new structure.  It is a continuous, automatic tablet machine used in many departments such as pharmacy, laboratory which needs to make powder, and granular raw material into tablets.

  10. 10. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE TDP - Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press This is designed for pressing tablets from a variety of materials for small-scale production of neutraceuticals, herbals, and other products.  Features are same as that of automatic single punch tableting machine.

  11. 11. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE TDP-1 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press  This is a bench-top press unit, semi-portable. One punch and die set is included.  Fill depth, tablet thickness, and punch pressure are all adjustable. This is a new unit, a little heavier-duty than the TDP Benchtop Press.

  12. 12. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE TDP-5 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press This is a heavy-duty benchtop unit.  It produces tablets up to 20 mm in diameter.

  13. 13. TYPES OF SINGLE PUNCH MACHINE TDP-30 Benchtop Model Single Punch Tablet Press  This is an extra heavy-duty benchtop unit.  It produces tablets up to 24mm in diameter.  Featuring precision filling, low-noise, low-consumption of material, and smooth operation.  The minimum consumption of lab material is just 200g.  It is reliable and efficient for research and development labs and small scale production.

  14. 14. PARTS OF A SINGLE PUNCH TABLET PRESS Hopper: It is used to hold the materials (drug or the drug with excepients/ granules) to be compressed and supply the material to the die and removes the tablet after its compression Dies: Dies defines the shape and the size of the tablet by allowing the lower and upper punch to come close together to compress the material. Lower and upper punches: These are used for compressing of the materials (drug or the drug with excepients/ granules) within the dies. Cam track: This is the component used for guiding the movement of the punches. Capacity regulator:To adjust the position of the lower punch to accommodate the required quantity of materials by the die. Ejection regulator: To adjust the position of the lower punch, so that its highest position is at par with the surface of the die. Driving wheel: It helps in the movement of the lower punch, the upper punch and hopper shoe and also check their movement.


  16. 16. ADVANTAGES OF SINGLE PUNCH TABLET PRESS The single punch structure is rational and small. Easy to operate and it operates at a high utilization ratio. It can manufacture odd shaped products with a diameter of up to 20mm. It is ideal for development of tablets and small batch production. Single punch tablet press utilizes a high amount of pressure to reduce weight variations between tablets while maintaining a low noise level at the same time.

  17. 17. TYPES OF COMPRESSION MACHINES MULTI-STATION/ROTARY PRESSES Multi-station press is a mechanical device that unlike the single punch tablet press has several tooling station which rotates to compress granules/powder mixture into tablets of uniform size, shape (depending on the punch design) and uniform weight. It was developed to increase the output of tablets.  In rotary press, the compaction force on the fill material is exerted by both the upper and lower punches leaving the powder granules to be compressed in the middle.This is known as accordion type of compression. The capacity of a rotary tablet press is determined by the rotation speed of the turret and the number of stations on the press.


  19. 19. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS HOPPER  The tablet compression process starts from here.  Hopper is basically a material feeding section.  It is the point where we put all powder/grains intended to compress into tablets.  Tablet press hoppers come in a wide range of shapes and designs. Whatever the shape, it should be such that the material can flow seamlessly into the tablet compression chamber.  Since it is in direct contact with the material, it is made of stainless steel.  Depending on the design of a tablet press machine, powder can be filled manually or using other automated systems.  Hoppers may feature optimal flow angles to facilitate flow, especially where it is nearly impossible to adjust formulation.  Some hoppers may have feature vibratory rods.This is done carefully to enhance product flow and to prevent possible product separation.

  20. 20. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS FEEDER SYSTEM Feeders feed powder/grains to the dies. Tablet press machine feeder system is made up two critical components, i. FEEDER HOUSING ii. FEED PEDDLES  FEEDER HOUSING  Material from the hopper will enter the dye system through the housing.  The feeding process should be consistent and accurate to produce high quality tablets.  The feeder housing is made of stainless steel 316L since it is in contact with the product.  The product must not stick on the feeder housing as it will cause inconsistencies during the feeding process.  FEED PEDDLES  Number of high speed rotary tablet press machines have a feed peddles.  The feed peddles ensures consistent and accurate material feeding into the die systems.  Without a feed peddle, especially if the machine is operating at a high speed, there could be chances of some dies being filled half way. This may result in tablets with varying thickness or the degree of compaction.

  21. 21. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS PUNCHES To produce the desired tablets, punches move within the die, thereby compressing powder into the desired tablets. In any tablet press machine, it has Upper punch system, the tablet press upper punches are on the upper section of the rotary system. They move vertically, in and out of the die bore. The lower punches are on the lower section of the rotary system of the tablet press machine. During the tablet compression process, the lower punches remain within the die bore throughout the entire cycle. TABLET PRESS DIE SYSTEM To produce the desired tablets, punches move within the die, thereby compressing powder into the desired tablets. The movement of tablet press machine punches, takes place within the die bore or cavity. Therefore, the punch and die must be machined together to ensure compatibility. It is in the die cavity where the powder is compressed into desired tablets of definite thickness and size. It is the die cavity that determines both the thickness and size of a tablet.

  22. 22. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS TURRET  A rotating turret is an essential part of the rotary tablet press machine in the pharmaceutical industry.  The rotating turret have holes that host the die system of a tablet making machine and punch guides to hold punches  It is precisely machined to ensure both die pockets and punch guides are fully aligned for optimal tablet making process.  Turrets are the heart of tablet press tooling.  It is the tablet press machine turret that determines the number of stations.  This helps to determine the production capacity of the machine for every complete rotation of the turret .

  23. 23. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS CAM TRACKS  Cam tracks are critical tablet compression machine parts that play an integral role in ensuring seamless tableting process.  The main work of the cam tracks is to guide the upper and lower punches in different stages in the tablet compression process.  That is, as the turret rotates, it is the cam trucks that move the punches in an up and down motion.  This helps to control filling, compression and ejection of already processed tablets.  For example, as the upper cam withdraws top punches from the die, powder flows in filling the cavity .On the other hand, the lower cam track pushes the bottom punches upwards within the die cavity. This makes the die to be overfilled by material, allowing for accurate adjustment of the die content.  To achieve a maximum compression force, the upper cam track drives the top punch and the lower cam adjusts the bottom punch. With the tablet compressed to the desired specifications, the upper cam withdraws top punches. On the other hand, the lower punches move upwards to expel the compressed tablets with the help of lower cam.

  24. 24. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS FILLING STATION & WEIGHT CONTROL  With the help of different movements of the cam systems, material will flow into the die cavity depending on the position of the punches.  A critical procedure in tablet compression process is the Weight control by controlling the depth of dye filling.  With the help of lower cam track, the bottom punch moves upwards to a predetermined height.  This ensures the die cavity is filled to a required depth according to required weight of tablet before any compression process begins.  At this time as the bottom punch moves up, the excess powder may overflow. Therefore, to avoid wastages, the excess powder automatically moves to the next die cavity, which is just about to be filled.

  25. 25. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS COMPRESSION ROLLERS  Tablet compression machines have a series of rollers that exert a sufficient amount of force to compress the powder.  Most machines have two sets of rollers. PRE-COMPRESSION ROLLERS  These are the very first rollers in rotary tablet press.  Basically, these rollers apply a small amount of force on the upper and lower punches. This gives the initial compression force.  The aim of this process is to remove entrapped air that could be in the die or powder particles. MAIN COMPRESSION ROLLERS  Main compression rollers exert a predetermined amount of force (final compression force) for the formation of tablets. The compression force at this stage is higher than the pre-compression force.  It is important that the rollers remain stable with no vibration during the entire process. This is to ensure consistency of the tablets’ thickness and size.

  26. 26. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TABLET PRESS EJECTION CAM  Ejection cam is located just after the main compression rollers.  After compression, the tablet is always fixed within the die systems (space between lower and upper punches).  The ejection cams steadily and slowly push the bottom punch upwards. At the same time, the top cams move up and so are the top punches .As a result, the fully compressed tablets leave the die cavity i.e. the compressed tablet remains just at the top of the die. TAKE –OFF BLADE AND DISCHARGE CHUTE  The take –off blades are fitted just above the feeder housing.  Their main role is to deflect the fully compressed tablets into the discharge chute and then are collected in containers.


  28. 28. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS TOUCH SCREEN CONTROL PANEL  HMI system control every aspect of the tablet making process.  HMI can either be attached to the main machine or exist separately. SEALING SYSTEM  The sealing system provides advanced dust handling capability. This isolation reduces need to clean the machine regularly and possible cross contamination. ELECTRIC MOTORS, GEARS AND BELTS  The compression rollers, punches, dies, turret, etc. are all moving parts. This means that the machine uses a prime mover.  We can use a servo motor or an induction motor. For example, a servo motor is a perfect choice for the filing system. This is because it is easy to control servo-motors to meet the highest degree of precisions such as 0.01mm.  However, for the pre-compression and compression stages, synchronous motors offer a better speed and control. Servo motor for tableting machine Furthermore, to transmit this motion to other sections, we may use a combination of both gears and belts. Even the motor can accurately start this machine, whether under maximum load or with no load. In short, to achieve a desired motion, we need to incorporate mechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems.

  29. 29. PARTS OF A ROTARY PRESS LUBRICATIONS SYSTEMS  Moving parts form integral sections of tablet compression machine parts, therefore, to avoid wear and tear due to friction, we need to lubricate moving parts.  A number of tablet press machines feature a central lubrication system. The machines automatically lubricate moving components.· HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT  An efficient hydraulic pump unit will help maintain consistent pre-pressure and main pressure.  This guarantees smooth and accurate tableting process.  Internal section of a tablet press machine part again, to avoid possible damage that may occur on the tablet press tooling system, these machines are equipped with an overloading protective unit.  This automatically stops the machine in case of overload. Other parts of the machine include,  Rubber wheels (depending on the size of a machine), switches, LED light indicators, lockable polycarbonate cabinet and cooling system.

  30. 30. ADVANTAGES OF ROTARY PRESS High productivity can be gained with a minimal amount of labor while saving money. Rotary press has an output of between 9000 – 234000 tab/hour or more thus saves time and meets up with the high demand of tablet dosage form. The powder filled cavity can be automatically managed by a moving feeder. Rotary press decreases waste of valuable formulation in non-specific tablets. The machine allows independent control of both weight and hardness.

  31. 31. PRINCIPLE OF TABLET COMPRESSION MACHINE PRINCIPLE  In the tablet compression machine main principle is compressing the grains/powder in upper and lower punch in a die hole. The hydraulic pressure plays a key role. This pressure is transmitted unreduced through the static fluid.  Any externally applied pressure is transmitted via static fluid to all the direction in same proportion.  It also makes it possible to multiply the force as needed. If we increase the hydraulic pressure more compressing force on tablet then it becomes more hard.

  32. 32. STAGES OF TABLET COMPRESSION PROCESS i. FILLING ii. METERING/WEIGHT ASDJUSTMENT iii. COMPRESSION iv. EJECTION FILLING  The filling stage of tablet compression process involves transfer of granules to the compressing machine punch-die cavity.  The punch die cavity is composed of upper punch, die and lower punch. The position of lower punch within the die determines the volume of the punch-die cavity.  This volume must be appropriately sized for the weight of granulation to be compressed into tablets.  The granulation is overfilled on the die table (turret) to ensure complete filling of the punch-die cavity volume.

  33. 33. STAGES OF TABLET COMPRESSION PROCESS METERING/WEIGHT ASDJUSTMENT  The metering stage of the tablet compressing process involves removal of excess granulation from the compressing machine.  This stage enables the exact weight (volume) of granulation to be compressed into tablets.  The exact weight of granulation is controlled by the height of the lower punch in the die. The height of the lower punch is controlled by the metering cam (also called the dosage cam).  The lower punch is raised to the appropriate level in the die to provide the exact weight of granulation in the punch-die cavity. The excess granulation is scraped from the surface of the die table. COMPRESSION  The compression stage of the tablet forms the tablet.  This stage involves bringing together the upper and lower punches under pressure within the die to form the tablet.  As the punches enter the compression stage, the upper and lower punches move between two large wheels called pressure rolls. These pressure rolls push the punches together to form the tablet.  The distance between the upper and lower punches determines the thickness and the hardness of the tablet. When the punches are close together, a thin and hard tablet is created. When the punches are farther apart, the tablet made is softer and thicker.  The proper balance of thickness and hardness determines the optimum roll distance for any specific product. These adjustments are made while keeping the tablet weight constant.

  34. 34. STAGES OF TABLET COMPRESSION PROCESS EJECTION The ejection stage of the tablet compressing process involves removal of the tablet from the lower punch-die station.  In this stage, the upper punch retracts from the die cavity and rises above the turret table. Then the lower punch rises in the die, which in turn pushes the tablet upward to the top surface of the die table and out of the die cavity. A scraper (also called takeoff scraper or tablet rake-off) then pushes the tablet off the die table away from the compressing machine into the collection container through discharging chute.



  37. 37. CLASSIFICATION OF MULTI-STATION PRESS TOOLING CLASSIFICATION OF MULTI-STATION PRESS  The punches and dies is called tablet tooling that determines the shape, size and the identification markings of the tablets.  The tooling must meet the specific requirements to satisfy the needs of dosage uniformity, production efficiency and esthetic appearance.  Internationally recognized standards for tablet compression tooling are as follow, i. TSM standard ii. EU standard TSM STANDARD  TSM is acronym for the “TABLET SPECIFICATION MANUAL”, widely recognized and exclusive in the United States.  TSM tooling specifications are the sole reference on U.S. manufacturing standards for tablets and tablet tooling.  Established by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).  TSM tooling specifications are the only published standards for the tablet compression industry. EU STANDARD  EU, is short for “EUROSTANDARD” considered as the European standard and also globally applicable.  EU, more widely used than the TSM.  EU, or Euronorm standard tool configurations are not published or governed by any organization or association.  The EU standard is the most common tooling configuration used outside the U.S.

  38. 38. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TSM & EU TOOLING CONFIGURATIONS  The TSM punch head configurations have an angled top profile versus the domed head profile of EU  The TSM punch inside head angle for “B” punches is 37° compared to the EU, which is 30°  Overall head thickness is greater in both “B” and “D” configurations for TSM tooling specifications in comparison to the EU spec  The overall punch length of the TSM tool is 0.010 inches shorter than the EU

  39. 39. CLASSIFICATION OF MULTI-STATION PRESS CLASSIFICATION OF MULTI-STATION PRESS. Based on the standard of TSM and EU, tablet tooling is mainly classified i. “B” TYPE TOOLING ii. “D” TYPE TOOLING “B” TYPE TOOLING  The B tooling punches and dies can be further classified as BB.  D tooling can also be used on B tooling machine that is call as DB  The “B” type configuration has a normal, punch barrel diameter of 0.750in. (19mm).  The “B” type can be used with two types of die or can be said to have two different die sizes:  The “B” dies with a diameter of 1.1875in. (30.16mm), suitable for all tablet sizes up to the maximum for the “B” punches.  The smaller “BB” dies (small “B” die) that has a diameter of 0.945in. (24mm).  This die type is suitable for tablets up to 9mm diameter or 11mm maximum.  Machines that are designed to “B” type tooling exert a maximum compression force of 6.5 tones.

  40. 40. CLASSIFICATION OF MULTI-STATION PRESS “D” type  This type has larger nominal barrel diameter of 1in. (25.4mm) and a die diameter of 1.500in. (38.10mm) and thus is suitable for tablets with maximum diameter or maximum length of 25.4mm.  Tablet press is designed to be used with either “B” or “D” tooling but not both. The compression force obtainable in a machine depends on the type of tooling used.  Machines that use the “D” type configuration exert 10 tones compression force. “D” type  This type has larger nominal barrel diameter of 1in. (25.4mm) and a die diameter of 1.500in. (38.10mm) and thus is suitable for tablets with maximum diameter or maximum length of 25.4mm.  Tablet press is designed to be used with either “B” or “D” tooling but not both. The compression force obtainable in a machine depends on the type of tooling used.  Machines that use the “D” type configuration exert 10 tones compression force.

  41. 41. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES COMPRESSION MACHINE PUNCH HEAD  The end of the punch that guides it through the cam track of tablet machine during Rotation. HEAD FLAT (DWELL FLAT)  The flat area of the head that receives the compression force from Rollers (in upper punches) and determines the weight and ejection height (in lower punches). OUTSIDE HEAD ANGLE  The area gets in touch with the roller prior to head flat , while Compression. INSIDE HEAD ANGLE  This is the area, which pulls down the lower punches after ejection and lifts the upper punches after compression. NECK  The relived area between the head and barrel, which provides clearance for the cams.

  42. 42. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES BARREL  The area between neck and stem of punch.  This area guides the punch (while going up and down) with reference to turret guides. BARREL CHAMFER  Chamfers at the ends of the punch barrel, eliminate outside corners. BARREL TO NECK RADIUS The area at junction of barrel and neck which provide smooth transition from barrel to neck. BARRELTO STEM RADIUS  The are at junction of barrel and stem which provide curved transition from tip length to barrel. BARREL TO NECK CHAMFER  The beveled area located between barrel and barrel to neck radius.  The chamfer reduce wear to punch guide.

  43. 43. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES BARREL TO STEM CHAMFER  The beveled area located between barrel and barrel to stem radius.  The chamfer allows for the proper insertion of upper or lower punch into oil seal. STEM  The area of the punch opposite the head, beginning at the tip and extending to the point where the full diameter of the barrel begins. If the chamfer is present the barrel usually reaches its full diameter just above the chamfer. TIP  This determines size, shape & profile TIP FACE:  This area of punch is where the tablet is formed. Good surface finish is required here to get quality tablets. CUP DEPTH  The depth of the cup from the highest point of the tip edge to the lowest point of the cavity

  44. 44. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES BAKELITE TIP RELIEF  An undercut groove between the lower punch tip straight and the relief; it assures a sharp corner to assist in scraping product adhering to the die wall; normally a purchased option for lower punches. TIP RELIEF  The portion of the punch stem which is a undercut or made smaller than the punch tip straight.  Most common for lower punches to aid in reducing friction from the punch tip and die wall as the punch travels through the compression cycle.  the area where the punch tip and relief meet must be sharp to scrape product from the die wall as the lower punch travels down for the fill cycle TIP LENGTH  The straight portion of the punch stem TIP STRAIGHT  The section of the tip that extends from the tip relief to the end of the punch tip; it maintains the punch tip size tolerance. WORKING LENGTH  This distance between bottom of the cup and the head flat is called as working length which determines weight and thickness of the tablet.

  45. 45. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES OVERALL LENGTH  Distance between top of the cup and the head flat. KEY  A projection normally of mild steel which protrudes above the surface of the punch barrel.  It maintains alignment of the upper punch for re-entry into the die, mandatory on upper punches with multiple tips and all tablet shapes other than round.  Commonly used with embossed round tablet shapes when rotation of the punch causes a condition known as double impression KEY ANGLE  The relationship of the punch key to the tablet shape. The keys position is influenced by the tablet shape, take-off angle, and turret rotation. KEY POSITION  The radial and height position of a key on the punch barrel; not found in all presses .

  46. 46. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES DOMED HEADS  Increases the dwell time and hence help to achieve the better tablet hardness. DWELL TIME  The time punches spends below the pressure roller while rotating in the machine. LAND  The area between the edge of the punch cup and the outside diameter of the punch tip; this adds strength to the tip to reduce punch tip fracturing MAJOR AXIS  The largest dimension of a shaped tablet MINOR AXIS  The smallest dimension of a shaped tablet Clearance:  Die bore dia – punch tip dia = Clearance.

  47. 47. TOOLING TERMINOLOGIES DIE TERMINOLOGY DIE.O.D.  The outside diameter of the die, which is compatible with the die pockets in the press. DIE HEIGHT  The overall height of the die. DIE BORE  The cavity where the tablet is made. The Cavity’s shape and size determine the same form of tablet. CHAMFER  Entry angle of the die bore. TAPER DIES  Dies with tapered bore on one or both sides is used.  They are used for easy removal of entrapped air and easy ejection of tablets (mainly for double layered tablets). DIE GROOVE  The groove around the periphery of the die, which allows the die to be fixed in the press. LINED (INSERT) DIES  Dies fitted with a linear insert made from a much harder, more wear resistant material such as tungsten carbide and ceramic.





  52. 52. SHAPES OF PUNCHES/TABLET FLAT FACE (FF )  Flat Face design is very simple.  It cause a problem called edge attrition.  The problem is created as the flat face tool entered into the compression cycle. The FF design naturally push or force the powder to the outside perimeter of the punch tip and towards the die wall, which in turn extrude through the punch and die clearance

  53. 53. SHAPES OF PUNCHES/TABLET FLAT FACE BEVEL EDGE The FFBE was designed as an alternative to the Flat Face design. FFBE solve the problem of edge attrition. The FFBE deflect or guide the powder back into the tablet, hence reducing soft edges.  Although the FFBE design proved to be beneficial for reducing soft edges, it presented a new problem, which was punch tip failure.  On an FF punch tip, there was virtually no cup or cup depth of the punch tip, it was simply flat, so there was not a cup limiting compression force, pressure limits were determined by the punch tip size to reduce tip bending and distortion.


  55. 55. SHAPES OF PUNCHES/TABLET FLAT FACE RADIUS EDGE OR FFRE FFRE is an alternative to the FFBE tablet design.  The FFRE is much more robust and has several advantages over the FFBE.  Better uniform tablet hardness as the powder has a natural flow across the radius, which can reduce hot spots and or discoloration to the perimeter of the top of the tablet Consumer acceptance as the FFRE tablet has a softer look and is more appealing to the consumer and generally has a better mouth feel.

  56. 56. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS MULTIPLE TIP TABLET PRESS TOOLING  These tools are common in high capacity tablet press machines.  These can produce more than one tablet in every punching station.  A multi-tip tool consists of three parts, i. CAP THAT SERVES AS THE HOLDER FOR THE PUNCH TIPS. ii. PUNCH BODY. iii. INDIVIDUAL PUNCH TIPS.  The replacement punches incorporate several punch tips and the replacement die has correspondingly multiple holes enabling two or more tablets to be produced from a single compression stroke of the tablet machine.  Depending on the type of material and tablet press, up to 8 punch tips can replace a single conventional punch tip. Such modification therefore enables 8 tablets to be produced for every compression stroke of the tabletting machine

  57. 57. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS MULTIPLE TIP TABLET PRESS TOOLING BENEFITS  Increase in productivity, number of tablets per turret rotation is multiplied by the number of tips.  No large capital outlay on new tablet presses mean that higher tooling costs are easily outweighed by increased output.  Reduction in press run-time per output of tablets means that less maintenance is required per batch of tablets produced.  Reduction in press setup-time per output of tablets.  Less tablet presses required to satisfy output therefore requiring less floor space leading to more product produced per square meter.  All of the above lead to reduction in overall plant running costs.

  58. 58. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS The following need to be considered when contemplating the installation of multi-Tip punch tooling:  The upper section of the turret must have keyways. This ensures the correct fixing of the upper punch.  Modification to the feeder paddles may be required due to increased fill requirements  Tablet press monitoring systems can be adjusted to monitor the multitablet outputs as standard.  Granulation flow must be working effectively due to the increased fill requirement  The tablet press should be in good working order and critical dimensions of the turret (punch guides and die pockets) should all be within accepted tolerance.

  59. 59. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS ROTATING HEAD PUNCHES/ROTAHEADS The rotating head has two-parts , i. THE HEAD OF THE PUNCH ii. KEYED PUNCH BODY  The head of the punch rotates independently to the keyed punch body.  This creates increased contact surface area between the cam and punch head.  Back angle aging is therefore drastically reduced, allowing for less head wear and longer punch service life.  Dwell time is also increased.

  60. 60. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS QUICK RELEASE TOOLING  For use with R&D tablet presses, Quick-Release Tooling allows to quickly change punch head configurations, to determine the ideal dwell time for a tablet formulation.  Quick Release Tooling Station Comes With, i. ONE PUNCH BARREL. ii. THREE INTERCHANGEABLE HEAD CONFIGURATIONS (DOMED, EXTENDED FLAT DOMED, AND FULL RADIUS) iii. ONE CUSTOMIZED PUNCH TIP.  It save both time and money.  Determine the ideal production dwell time before scale-up without changing turret speed by easily and quickly changing punch head configurations.  Eliminate the time and labor required to replace multiple sets of tooling during the R&D process and the cost of purchasing multiple sets of tooling  Perform a detailed analysis of a formulation’s compressibility as well as greater troubleshooting capacity in the early stages of tablet development.


  62. 62. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS CERAMIC BARREL OPTION: Requires no lubrication Less wear, less friction, and less heat buildup Absorbs less heat from surrounding metals Will not expand due to heat Reduces potential for tooling binding

  63. 63. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS LINED DIES  Lined dies, commonly called insert dies, are used specifically to compress abrasive and corrosive formulation. BENEFITS OF LINED DIES  Increased tool life.  Less head wearing.  Reduced friction.  Elimination of corrosion.  Extended tablet quality. CARBIDE LINED DIES  Recommended with abrasive granulations.  Work well for neutraceutical applications.  Provide a high level of wear resistance during the compression of abrasive products.  Increase die life by more than 10 times due to their wear liner.

  64. 64. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS CERAMIC LINED DIES  Recommended for corrosive products  Reduce the coefficient of friction throughout tablet compression cycles  Available for round and shaped tablets  Include a wear liner that prevents them from wearing  Increase die life by 5-10 time

  65. 65. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS DIAMOND COATING  The idea here is to introduce properties of diamond to a punch and die system.  Such tools are suitable for effervescent tablets.  Diamond coated tools are generally abrasive resistant and durable.  They don’t stick and their hardness is nearly 6 times more than the ordinary tablet presses. GALVANIC CHROME TREATMENT  This tablet press tooling is suitable for most standard tablet press applications.  In most cases, the coating is about 5 microns.  The coating is one of the most popular types of treatment in most pharmaceutical industries.  This protects the tooling system of a tablet compression machine from wear and ensures better stability. CHROME NITRIDE COATING  The final surface of the tablet press tooling is better than the galvanic treatment.  It has a high quality to price ratio with enhanced wear protection. ALUMINUM TITANIUM NITRIDE OR TITANIUM NITRIDE COATING  This treatment is known for its smooth finish and higher surface hardness.  Therefore, it is a perfect choice for most pharmaceutical tablet compression applications.

  66. 66. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS INTERCHANGEABLE TURRET  It allows tool free operation and dramatically reduced product change over.  Faster product to product change over.  Easier production planning and preparation as machine turrets can be made ready in advance.  The ability to clean to a higher standard and offline.  Configure the machine to maximize output through optimum tooling to product size selection.  The precision drive coupling gives the strength of a fixed turret machine, so make tablets up to 100KN.  Improved engineering access over fixed turret machines.  Keep the initial investment down by buying the different turret sizes at a later date


  68. 68. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS SEGMENTED DIE TABLE  Die table segments are engineered to eliminate the need for individual dies and die lock screws.  The design increase production by up to 25% and make process simpler and smoother.  With Die table segments gain more die stations per turret/press.  Enhance productivity.  Decrease set-up time by as much as 88%.  Without the need for dies and die lock screws, efficiency will skyrocket, providing a more productive process overall.  In addition to providing optimum tablet production it reduce downtime for refitting, resetting, and cleaning.  Segments can be changed by loosening just two fastening bolts and only between 3 to 5 segments are needed for each turret, depending on the type of tablet press.


  70. 70. ADVANCE TOOLING DESIGNS BENEFITS OF SEGMENTED DIE TABLE  Reduced product loss.  Easier compliance with hygiene requirements.  Up to 40% more output.  Great production reliability through easy refitting.  Service life increased by up to threefold through carbide brushes.

  71. 71. For Correction & feed back

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