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Types of Dosage Forms

Dosage forms is the perfected form of a medicine product in which it's retailed for use. Dosage forms are pharmaceutical medications in which active pharmaceutical constituents and excipients are formulated in such a way that it facilitates the administration and delivery of the API.

Dosage forms may be classified grounded on route of administration or physical forms.

In this composition we will take a detail over view of different types of dosage forms.


Aerosols are pressurised dosage form in which liquid or solid medicines are suspended or dissolved in a gas.

The gas used in aerosol is known as fuel.

When we actuate the vessel a fine mist of liquid or solid contents having one or further API is discharged.


Cachet is a dosage form in which a dry greasepaint is enclosed in a shell of rice flour.

Cachet is used for administration of medicines which have unwelcome taste.

There are two types of cachet

Wet Seal Cachet

Dry Seal Cachet


Sodium aminosalicylate & Isoniazid Cachet.

Sodium aminosalicylate Cachet.

Medicated Water

Medicated water is known as sweetwater.Aromatic water is a liquid dosage form and is defined as

Adulterate waterless results of unpredictable canvases or unpredictable substances is known as sweet water.

Some Sweet water have remedial exertion and utmost sweet water are used as flavouring agents.


Anise water

Camphor water

cinnamon water


Capsule is a solid dosage form in which cure is enclosed in a soft or hard gelatin shell.


Maquillages are solid dosage form containing one or further active constituents intended for internal or external use.

The maquillages which are used for internal administration are known as oral maquillages and those which are external are known as dusting maquillages.


Dextrose oral greasepaint

Talc dusting maquillages


Insufflation is a solid dosage form having finely divided maquillages which are administered into body depressions like nose, observance, tooth socket and vagina using an fitting device known as insufflator.


Granules is a solid dosage form in which one or further cures in greasepaint form are mixed with other excipients like diluents, disintegrants etc and are converted into large agglomerates by using binder result or operation of pressure.

Effervescent Granules

Bouncy granules is a type of solid dosage form in which cure and excipients are converted into grains containing citric acid and sodium bicarbonate.

Acid and base reply with each other in

liquid media to release carbon dioxide and cures are dissolved in liquid media.


Tablet is unit solid dosage form containing one or further active constituents intended for oral administration.

Tablets are prepared by wet granulation, dry granulation and direct compression method.


Pessaries are unit solid dosage forms which are intended for vaginal use.The pessaries are manufactured by using bases which remain solid at room temperature but melt or dissolve in vagina.


Suppositories are solid dosage forms having conical or elliptical shape and are intended for insertion into body perforations rather of mouth.

Suppositories are fitted into





Magmas are thick, thick waterless suspense medications of undoable inorganic medicines.


Bougies are solid Dosage forms intended to be administered into nostrils or urethra.


Douche is a liquid medication which is used for drawing nose or vagina.


Draught is a liquid dosage form contaning veritably small volume and these are substantially single cure.


Enema is a liquid unctuous result or suspense used for rectal administration.


Conflation is a dosage form and is defined as a thermodynamically unstable admixture of two immiscible liquids.

Conflation is a dosage form in which one liquid in form of droplets is dispersed into other liquid phase.


Implants are small sterile tablets which are intended for insertion under the skin by giving a cut to the skin and this cut is sutured after placing the tablet outside.

Implants are used to release the medicine sluggishly, generally for 3-6 months.

Solution Tablets

solut tablets are solid Dosage forms containing one or further active medicinal constituents which are also dissolved in a liquid to form a result which is also consumed.


Answerable tablets for mouthwashes

Answerable tablets for rasps.


Saccharinity is liquid dosage form which is sweet, thick concentrated result of sucrose or other sugar in water or in other detergent or vehicle.

Simple saccharinity only has sucrose and purified water.

Medicated saccharinity contains cures and is used for remedial purposes.

Non treated Saccharinity is used as a sweetening or flavouring agent.


Lemon saccharinity

Tolu saccharinity


solution are liquid Dosage forms in which active pharmaceutical constituents and other excipients are dissolved in water.


Suspense is a liquid dosage form in which finely divided solid patches are suspended or dispersed in a liquid media.


are biphasic liquid dosage forms.

Dormancies are miscellaneous systems having two phases, nonstop phase is liquid or circumfluous phase and second is dispersed or internal phase and is composed of undoable matter.


Mouthwash is liquid dosage form and is also known as oral wash, mouthrinse.It's a liquid medication which is held in the mouth for some time for antiseptic or tangy effect.


Creams are circumfluous medications in which one or further cures are dissolved or dispersed in an conflation system.


Ointment is a semi solid dosage form which is used for external operation to the skin or mucous membrane.

For medication of ointment along with API different types of ointment bases are used.

Ointment may be treated or non treated.

Ointments are translucent in appearance.

Ophthalmic Ointment

Ophthalmic ointments are sterile medications which are intended for insertion into eyes.


Pastes are semi solid dosage forms containing a advanced chance of undoable solids.

Histories are for external use.


Gels are semi solid dosage forms containing dissipation of small or large size motes in liquid vehicles.

Gels are prepared by emulsion process.

Gels are also known as jellies.


Tincture are liquid dosage forms which are prepared by dissolving the vegetable medicines in alcoholic detergent.


Spirit are liquid dosage forms and are prepared by dissolving the active pharmaceutical constituents in 90 alcoholic vehicle.


Collodions is a dosage form which is liquid medication and is used externally to the skin.

Saccharinity-suchlike medication of nitrocellulose in ether and alcohol is known as collodions.

Collodions should Store down from fire.


Sprays are liquid dosage forms containing cures in alcoholic, glycerine or waterless vehicles.

Nasal Drops

Nasal drops are liquid dosage forms containing cures in liquid vehicles and are intended for insertion into nostrils.


paints are liquid medications in which cure is dissolved in a unpredictable detergent and have a advanced portion of glycerine.

Maquillages are applied to the throat.


Irrigations are liquid medications which contain cure and are used for washing blader, vagina or nose to treat the infection.


Linctus are sweet vicious liquid medications having medicinal substances used for expectorant, dreamy effect.


Liniments are liquid or circumfluous medications which are applied to the skin by rubbing or by disunion.


Injections are sterile medications in which cures are dissolved or suspended in a suitable vehicle.


Inhalations are liquid medications containing unpredictable substances.


lotion are liquid dormancies or dissipations used for external operation.

Poultices are applied without friction.

Eye Lotions

Eye poultices are sterile medications which are used for flushing the eyes.

Eye & Ear Drops

These are sterile liquid medications in which cures are dissolved or suspended in a vehicle and are intended to be introduced into the eye or ear.


These are medications which are applied for the cleaning of teeth.


Elixir are liquid medications which contain advanced alcoholic situations and are for oral administration.


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